Love is something we all look for. We all want to be in love, and loved in return. Sometimes, it takes forever to find it and other times, it just sort of happens. When it comes though, you know that you want to hold on to it with every single part of your being and you never want to let it go. You never want to go back to what it was like before you had it. You hold on and you pray, you pray to whomever it is that you pray to, that you will never have to be without the person who makes you feel so.. complete. If you're lucky, you get to hold on to them and love them with every last drop of your being.

Every day I wake up knowing that I'm blessed. That I'm loved. I get to fall asleep in the arms of the man that I love more than anything, and if I'm lucky, I get to wake up right there in the morning. Maybe not so much lately, but we do have two little perfect beings that keep us on our toes and running on all cylinders all the time. Honestly, I never thought I would ever see this point in my life. Oh, I wanted it, but I never thought I'd find someone that I could give myself to so completely, or that we'd have two perfect little babies to take care of and raise.

They're not mine, Ethan and Sophia, not by blood at least. Their mother surrendered her rights to them to Xander, and we know why she did and neither of us hold it against her. I'm sure if she wanted to be in their lives at some point, we'd make it happen. They are her blood after all. I am their mom though. I'm the one getting up every few hours for feeding when Xan had a tough day at work, or sharing feeding time with him for that matter. There have been countless diaper changes, and rocking them to sleep and everything in between. I've even adopted them as my own, something that Xander asked if I wanted when they were just a few hours old and already I was so in love with them.

I never expected that at the age of twenty six that I would have the entire world at the tip of my fingers, but I'll be damned if that's not exactly what I have..


This is my family. These are the three beings that I live every day to the fullest for and I'm constantly in awe at how much love one person can hold inside of them. I am constnatly reminded of the beauty in the wolrd around me. I see my husband with our babies, I see the love that pours out of him as he holds our babies and he turns in to this giant puddle of sap. Every time he's holding our babies and talking to him, I fall even more in love with him and I don't think he even knows it. I don't think he sees it, or maybe he does. I swear if I could be a walking emoki, I would be the heart eyes one around him and our babies every single second of every single day.

I have found love, I have found happiness. I know what it's like to love with all of my heart and soul and I know what it's like to be loved back. I married the man who is my best friend, and who I can tell anything to. Even if it means we might fight a little because we both feel too much sometimes, we always manage to work it out and I know I fall more in love with him when we do. I have two perfect little babies that seem to light up whenever me or their father are around and who trust and depend on us to make sure nothing bad ever harms them, and it never will as long as we're alive.

I never thought by the time I was twenty six that I would be married, much less with two beautiful babies, but it's funny how life works sometimes, and how "hello" can change your entire life.

- Chelie