Superpowers are something I know I've always been somewhat fascinated with. I can't tell you why, or even when I became so obsessed with superheroes or their superpowers but it was something that'd been there since a young age. I know I used to sit with my brother for hours and read his comic books with him, sometimes even taking them and hiding them so I could read them whever I wanted to. What I wouldn't give to be able to have powers, especially when mom and dad told us both that they were going to get a divorce. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to have the power to change something like that?

I didn't think much more about it until the other day. I mean, there comes a point when you know that these sort of things are never going to happen, you grow up, you learn to take the world for what it is, but you can't help but relieve that little bit of childhood wonderment when you come across a lively and vivacious ten year old who's ready to go tit for tat with you about this and that. That's what makes my job worth it. What makes me so happy to go in there day in and day out. You never know who you're going to meet or what sort of impact they're going to have on your life.

I love the part of my job when I get to help someone find something. There's nothing like getting to know a person by the types of books that they read and, yeah, it's amazing when you find that you have something in common with a complete stranger and can sit there and talk about things and even help them out. I'll never forget bending down to ask a troubled little kid that seemed to be driving his mother crazy if there was something I could help him find as he stood in front of the comics. I'm not going to lie, it's never easy when you have to chose when it comes to something you love and his mom wasn't going to budge on the fact that he could have only one of the books.

And that's what started the great debate that afternoon. Which superpower was better, and consequently, which sidekick was better. A thought I'd never really given much consideration prior, if I'm being honest.


I'd say that his mother was probably the happiest party out of the three of us because she had someone that understood what her son was talking about and had him occupied so he wasn't throwing a fit in the middle of the store, but I like to think that I was the one that was lucky. I got to remember for a brief moment what it was like to get so wrapped up in the comics and to want them to be real again like he did. In the end it was a toss up between Iron Man and Batman and I'll be the first to admit when he walked away holding the Iron Man book that I felt accomplished. i can't be faulted for the majority of my love going towards Marvel. I just can't.

The funniest thing that happened after all was said and done was the laughed that I heard coming from behind me. It would be one of the days that I was the recipient of a visit from a person who for weeks always seemed to leave me at a loss for words, no matter how much jibberish always seemed to come pouring out whenever he was around. It would figure that he would've listened to me getting in to a debate with a ten year old about superheroes. Not that he didn't know my love for them went deeper than most know.

I still can't help but wish that super powers really existed. Well, I do and I don't. As Uncle Ben always told Peter "With great power, comes great responsibility." I don't know how any would handle actually having power and whether or not they'd use it for the greater good or if they'd use it to better themselves. I guess it's one of those things the world may never know but until then we've got our comic books, movies, and television shows to keep us wondering, and always on the edge of our seats.

- Cole